Exercise with Your Brain as You Age - High Intensity (part 2)
In this section, we are exploring ways to challenge our bodies with higher intensity, increasing the demand on our central nervous system (CNS). These workouts require prior training in preparation for the high effort required for these exercises.

Exercise with Your Brain as You Age - Movement and Coordination (part 1)
It’s important to exercise your brain during your workouts especially as you age. By “brain”, I mean challenging your central nervous system. This can be done in two ways...

Keep Your Knees Healthy with Targeted Rolling and Stretching
People often show me where their knee hurts and ask what they can do to alleviate the pain. Typically, it is on the inner part of the knee or around the knee cap (patella). They often tell me the pain is “inside” the knee and get worried there is a major problem. Although there is always the possibility of some ligament tear or arthritis, the pain usually resolves after massage therapy on their quads and IT bands followed by stretching the quads.

Add Functional Training to Your Warm-up
Typically, these exercises will involve using light resistance to work out the entire body, with an emphasis on movement quality. Doing a few of these exercises before the main part of your workout will not only prepare you for more intense exercises but also improve your athleticism and balance (hence why it’s functional).

Up Your Daily Activity for Results
Not only is it healthier to get more daily activity in, but it will also allow you to achieve your fitness results.

Senior Fitness: Improving Posture Through Exercise
Improving posture is a primary goal for all of my senior clients. Posture refers to the alignment of your entire body in relation to the medically accepted neutral posture. We incorporate shoulder and back exercises into our workouts to improve upper body posture.

20 Years as a Personal Trainer: The One Thing I Recommend To Busy People, Seniors, and Others
I have worked with many different demographics: Young adults, seniors, busy working professionals, teenage athletes, those with chronic injuries, and those where having peak fitness is essential. Here is my number one recommendation for each of these groups: - Busy professionals and parents: Do short 30-45 minute workouts grouping 3-5 exercises in a circuit-like setup.

Senior Fitness: Movement and Functional Exercise for Daily Life
For someone in their senior years, a gym workout will look a lot different than a workout for someone decades younger by including much more than just lifting weights. In addition to general strength and endurance, including functional exercises can help improve daily life.

Preparing Middle School Kids for High School Sports
The high school varsity level is competitive in nearly in every sport. Depending on popularity, making the varsity team can be tough. This is why in-coming high school athletes need to be well prepared for long practices and high-level competitions BEFORE they even start their preseason practices.

Question for a Personal Trainer: How Many Pullups Should I do?
Here in our Palo Alto, CA studio I don’t get it as often as previous big gyms I worked at, but it still comes up. There are many answers to this question depending on what standards you are looking at. You can easily find these by searching for pullups for military service, presidential fitness standards for kids, or just everyday standards. I’m not trying to dodge this question, but it really depends. The short answer…

How To Workout When You Are A Busy Professional or Parent
Many of our programs here in ultra-busy Silicon Valley are built around the concept of personal training for busy professionals. For those short on time, workouts should be convenient, time efficient, maximally effective, and well planned.